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"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Thursday 28 June 2012

Magnetic Island Spider Dines on Legless Lizard

We grow em big on Magnetic Island. Did you know that female tarantulas can live up to 20 years and grow to in excess of 16cm leg span? This lovely young girl spider decided that a 20cm legless lizard would make a nice afternoon tea. And, contrary to what some 'arachnophiles' suggest, they do chomp not just dissolve and suck their tucker. We saw it attack then begin eating the hapless lizard.

 The lighter is 8cm in length. Our girl measured just under 2 lighters legs pan, around 15cm.

Monday 25 June 2012

Magnetic Island Celebrant wants a Wife?

Rumour has it that a Magnetic Island marriage celebrant wants a wife, or a companion. One of our farcebook-team  is investigating. You head it hear first.

Barbecued Free Range Eggs - Magnetic Island Style - Fresh from Chook to Cook

Barbecued Free Range Eggs - Magnetic Island Style - Fresh from Chook to Cook

Look closely you'll see the eggs

...and the chooks that laid the eggs would beg for food around the tables of alfreso diners, while goats frolicked up and down the mango trees.

What was this place called?
  Do you know this place?

A Clue: Following is an extract from Mary Vernon's 'About Town' column in the Townsvile Bulletin June 4 2010.

"YESTERDAY's story about drunk parrots falling out of the sky in Darwin reminded me of a time when I lived in a house (on Magnetic Island) with a big umbrella tree in the front garden. Every year when it flowered the parrots would have a party and get as drunk as lords - they were noisier than a brace of jackhammers. The same house backed onto the old mango farm which was home to a giant 350 kg pig, Georgina. In the mango season, the mangoes would fall into her sty, ferment on the ground and she would get drunk too. She didn't make too much noise when drunk, but the next day when she woke up with a hangover, the howling and moaning could be heard at Palm Island I'd reckon. Luckily the mango season and the umbrella flower season weren't at the same time or life wouldn't have been worth living."  

Here's another clue: from the "Bootsnall Travel Site"

Tell us your story, or send us pics, about this place

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Magnetic Island's Historical Picnic Bay Jetty Restoration Resumes

Hooray! Restoration work on Magnetic Island's Historical Picnic Bay Jetty has re-commenced! But there is a down side. The new safety fence is an immovable object. 'Damn!' say the fisherfolk. But it will be worth the wait to have our iconic jetty open and safe once again. It's the...

'Return of The Jeti'

The Return of The Jeti

The resorative work is in the hands of Road Tek, a commercial business within Transport and Main Roads.

Check the Magnetic Times for more information

Post by: farcebook-team moderator