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(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman touts Magnetic Island to host Australia's next Olympic Games!

Oops! That should read, "Queensland Premier Campbell Newman touts Brisbane as Australia's next Olympic Games host city, but not yet" Not Magnetic Island. Forgive us here at farcebook.

So the truth is out! the News Limited site (14 Aug 2012) exposes the focus of LNP Premier Campbell Newman push to rob us blind. He wants our gold to get Olympic gold - for Brisbane.

Premier Campbell Newman wants Olympic Gold

It seems that Premier Campbell Newman, Queensland's version of the wicked evil Sheriff of Nottingham, is intent on frittering away, in 2012 dollars, A$3 billion of public consumption resources, your money, that  have to be redirected from elsewhere. Just to give the south east corner of Queensland a bit of PR with a momentary cash flow for Brisbane & the Gold Coast. Goodness knows how much inflation, CPI and the continuing mismanagement of  Queensland's economic basis will add to the costs between now and then.

The income from the Sydney games was US$1.765 Billion around A$2 billion.

Well what's in it for us, the true Queenslanders? Let's look at the 2000 Sydney Olympics and the impact on the NSW economy.

In 2002, the Auditor-General of New South Wales reported that the Sydney Games cost A$6.6 billion, with a net cost to the public between A$1.7 and A$2.4 billion.
It has been estimated that the economic impact of the 2000 Olympics was that A$2.1 billion has been shaved from public consumption. Economic growth was not stimulated to a net benefit and in the years after 2000, foreign tourism to NSW grew by less than tourism to Australia as a whole. A "multiplier" effect on broader economic development is not realised as a simple "multiplier" analysis fails to capture is that resources have to be redirected from elsewhere: the building of a stadium is at the expense of other public works such as extensions to hospitals. Building sporting venues does not add to the aggregate stock of productive capital in the years following the Games: "Equestrian centres, softball compounds and man-made rapids are not particularly useful beyond their immediate function."In the years after the games, infrastructure issues have been of growing concern to citizens, especially those in the western suburbs of Sydney. Proposed rail links to Sydney's west have been estimated to cost in the same order of magnitude as the public expenditure on the games. Sources Auditor-General’s Report to Parliament 2002 Volume Two , Wikipedia
"Ok", you say, we really didn't need all those thousands of public servants and others. Fine, perhaps we didn't need them. (consider this; Are the majority of the sacked people workers or management?) But as far as the evil sheriff Campbell Newman is concerned the federal government will have to bear the brunt of the cost of supporting 10s thousands of unemployed. Not Queensland. Hullo!

Whose taxes, fees charges pay for Social Security? One could bet it won't be a 'sheriff' politician or some incompetent bureaucracies management.

And why should your natural resources, government owned corporations and  infrastructure be sold off? To fix the blackhole from the previous government! you say. Rubbish.

Using cost of the Sydney games as basis allowing for inflation and CPI projections the estimated bill just for hosting the games may well be in excess of A$9 billion.

Of this estimated A$9 billion the allocation of funds from the public purse, your money, with inflation and CPI could well be A$4 - $6 billion. for the future South East Queensland Olympics.

How much will the SE corner of Queensland expect to make from the games? It had better be better than the  income from the Sydney games of US$1.765 Billion around A$2 billion for Sydney's investment of A$6.6billion.

So we ask the evil Sheriff of Nottingham (really Brisbane) 

Why fill one financial black hole to create another?

Why should we pay for you and your LNP whimsies?

Go for gold Premier but don't use ours to get it!

You and your LNP government are no better that those who went before.

When you finish the 'have nots', the battler will be worse off.

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