Welcome to farcebook

"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Tuesday 25 September 2012

John Hathaway MP LNP Responds to Closing Picnic Bay Recreation Centre

The Magnetic Times somehow manged to do what a lot of others could not. The inimitable and persistent Editor George obtained a response from John Hathaway MP LNP on the impending closure of the Picnic Bay Recreation Centre. Check out the article... http://www.magnetictimes.com.au/article-4076.html

In the response to the Magnetic Times Mr Hathaway states
"Whilst the decision to permanently close the recreation centre has not been made, our government must look at all options. We are open to expressions of interest from operators who may be able to invest in the recreation centre in order to reduce the government's overall expenditure."

Sounds clear and above board but... it's somewhat ambiguous.
  • the camp may or may not be closed
  • the government is considering options
  • the government is open to expressions of interest for investment in the site 
Does this mean that there is a hidden agenda? Does Campbell Newman and his cohorts have some preferred LNP supporting developers lurking in the background?

Time will tell. Meanwhile let John know your thoughts. 

Townsville LNP MP John Hathaway
PO Box 1101
Townsville QLD 4810
Phone: (07) 4772 4711
Fax: (07) 4721 2097

and go to http://farcebook-team.blogspot.com.au/2012/09/magnetic-island-recreation-camp-closed.html for other contacts who might help us.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Magnetic Island Recreation Camp Closed Permanently to be Sold Off by Fuhrer Campbell Newman

Magnetic Island Recreation Camp at Picnic bay is now officially closed. LNP Queensland Fuhrer Campbell Newman has decreed that our newly renovated camp is to be sold off to the highest bidder.

Over 30 school and other groups already booked will now be denied economically viable access to Magnetic island.

Our camp is an integral component of our tourism infrastructure. The island depends on tourism for it's viability. Times are hard, visitor numbers are down. The Camp must be reopened. It must not be sold off like the rest of Queensland.

We must not allow some jackbooted unscrupulous despot and his stormtroopers use his and his party's so called 'mandate' to turn our camp into a developers dream.

What can you do?

Contact the following asap

Townsville LNP MP John Hathaway
PO Box 1101
Townsville QLD 4810
Phone: (07) 4772 4711
Fax: (07) 4721 2097

David Crisafulli, MP     Minister for Local Government    
Shop 3, 198 Nathan Street
Aitkenvale QLD 4814
Phone: (07) 4725 4166
Fax: (07) 4725 4194

Ewen Jones MP Member for Herbert
Phone: 07 4725 2066   |   Toll Free: 1300 661 567 (Qld only)
Fax: 07 4725 2088
Electorate Office:
Ground Floor, Nathan Business Centre
340 Ross River Road, Cranbrook
Qld 4814- View Map
PO Box 226
Aitkenvale Qld 4814

Email: ewen.jones.mp@aph.gov.au

Office hours: 9:00am-5.00pm - Monday - Friday
If you would like to meet with Ewen, please contact his office. Ewen is available for after-hours appointments on Thursdays.

And also, Contact Townsville Enterprise, our local tourism and development body and make your thoughts known and ask them to assist...

Click here for TEL's Contact page

The farcebook-team understands the mess the previous government left but farcebook believes that our elected LNP MPs must represent us and not address the ill advised whimsies of the LNP and their rabidly inept, incompetent bureaucracies and financial adviser, Cost Cutter Costello

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Magnetic Island Paperbark Trees under attack! Aliens? Terrorists? Vandals?

Breaking News! Magnetic Island's Paperbark trees are under attack! 
Aliens? Terrorists? Vandals?
No one knows by what! Or Why?
Do you?

Across Magnetic Island mysterious holes are appearing in the trunks of selected Melaleucas, paperbarks or Tea Trees. These holes are all found around 3-5metres above ground.

If you have any idea as to what is making these holes and why let us know. It's driving us nuts!!! 

Best of Magnetic Car Hire has joined C:Drive Car Rentals illegally storing vehicles in the Nelly Bay Terminal Car Park

Best of Magnetic Car Hire has joined C:Drive Car Rentals illegally storing hire vehicles in Magnetic Island's  Nelly Bay Ferry Terminal Car Park.

According to a Mr Trevor Brownrigg, an annual visitor to Magnetic Island, C:Drive Are back! Up to 6+ rental cars are again being stored daily by C:Drive in the Nelly Bay Terminal Car Park.

To further exacerbate the parking problems 'Best of Magnetic' are storing their rental cars in the parking spaces allocated to the IGA for 2 hour parking and in some spaces shared by the Department of Transport and the IGA

What sort of immunity from regulatory retribution has been granted to these companies by the Qld Department of Transport? Fair enough, Best of Magnetic now has a shopfront on the carpark. If they want allocated vehicle storage (parking) let them do what PRD had to do, pay for the spaces and have DOT signage erected!

The van with the signage for the Arcadia based $30 car rental mob, along with 5 private cars and utes are now abandoned, unregistered vehicles. What a great welcome to the island. Again I ask,

when will the transport department pull it's head out of the sand and their fingers out of their fundamental orifices and do something about our parking woes? Probably Never!!!

Post & images by Trevor Brownrigg