Welcome to farcebook

"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Sunday 29 January 2012

What's brown and sounds like a bell? DUNG!


And it's dung, animal droppings that really ring the bells for the humble but heroic dung beetle. The Dung Busters!

Did you know that Australia's cattle herds drop over 12 million cow pats every hour? Left unchecked we would literally end up in deep sh... Poo! Dung! Not only this, flies, billions of them feast, feed and breed in animal droppings. The only thi...ng that saves us from drowning in animal crap and disease carrying flies is the humble and heroic 'Dung Beetle! Dung Busters in Paradise.

Here's a crappy $40 mobile phone video of one of the little heroes hard at work saving Magnetic Island from from an avalanche of possum poop. (Although it would be better if the well meaning do gooders stopped upsetting the balance of nature by feeding our brushtail possums, the new age rats of suburbia. Possums that is, not the do gooders!).

Life is not easy for our little heroes... they sometimes have a really crappy day and get the...

'Dung Beetle Blues'

Thursday 26 January 2012

Things to make & do with Magnetic Island Geckos

Magnetic Island has five species of Geckos; the Tree gecko, Bynoe's gecko, Mourning gecko, Velvet gecko and the Asian Gecko. The latter, Hemidactylus frenatus, is a native of southeastern Asia. It is also known as the Pacific house gecko or simply, the house lizard.

Geckos are not only good for keeeping insects at bay, or crapping in your computer, or making a general mess...  you can eat 'em... But let's only cook up the Asian Gecko. First catch your gecko...Click on the image watch video and off you go. Yum!

The perfect ending to a day on one of Magnetic Island's 23 Beaches & Bays

Youtube video taken by Brent Madden, for the Discovery Channel. Brent Madden, is a documentary producer, director and cameraman specializing in underwater video, film and photography. One of Brent’s newest project is filming on exotic Asia and amazing Thailand, called “Adventure Thailand”.

Watch this blog for more about Geckoes!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

The Latest Dalek in the New Dr Who Series

Dr Who fans can expect some really bizzare stuff in the new series. 
Check out the latest Daleks and their warcry

 Evacuate! Evacuate! 

 A little bit of 'Toilet Humour' inspired by a pic found in The Spoof
 article 'I'm a Celeb - Americans Just 'Don't Get' British Lavatory Humour' AO

WARNING: If you are PCR (Politically Correct Zealot) don't Click on the link! 

Mummy! Am I an Alien?

According to a recent report in the UK Dail Mail Online we may all be aliens!!

Our ancestral Spaceship

Apparently NASA researchers wasted US$millions to hypothesise that our forbears, in the form of amino acids, the ‘beads’ that form proteins - which when strung together may or may not form DNA - may or may not have travelled to earth embedded in a chunk of galactic mineral.


Magnetic Island's Cannibal House

"Girl Eating House' - 'Warning!' - This horrific cannibal house is on Magnetic Island. Terrifying! 
We saved the girl. Most of her anyway - well, after we took some photos

 Image & copy courtesy Crusty Herron

Smokers Sponsor Aboriginal Art?

WARNING: Visitors should be aware that this post includes images and names of deceased people that may cause sadness or distress to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Did you know that " The first major exhibition toured by the Aboriginal Arts Board was opened with great fanfare at Stratford in Canada in June 1974. This became known as the Rothmans exhibition after its commercial sponsor, Rothmans of Pall Mall, but its official title was Art of Aboriginal Australia.
In the 1970s the tobacco industry was a major sponsor of the arts. Canadian audiences flocked to the exhibition in their droves. Hundreds turned out for the opening, where a gourmet buffet was served under a marquee set up on the gallery lawns.

There were politicians and celebrities and television media coverage. Free cigarettes were handed around to the admiring crowd. 'Rothmans had a party yesterday and everybody came,' wrote one reporter. 'And to think,' the report continued, 'smokers paid for the whole thing'.

Commercial sponsorship was another key part of the Aboriginal Arts Board's marketing strategy.

The success of the exhibition owed much to Rothman's support, though the Board commissioned and selected all works and produced the catalogue.

Story of the Women's Camp was one of 17 Papunya works which hung alongside boomerangs, Tiwi sculptures and Hermannsburg watercolours. The Western Desert acrylic paintings held pride of place.

At the tour's end most of the art works were gifted to the 13 Canadian host museums and art galleries.

With few exceptions most have not been seen since.

This is an edited extract of an article by National Museum of Australia curator Peter Thorley which originally appeared in the World of Antiques and Art."

'Story of the Women's Camp and Origin of Damper', 
1973, by Anatjari Tjakamarra. 

Australia's Top Auctioneers

Have you ever wondered where Captain 'let's sell off Queensland' Go-Anna Bligh, and 'Let's stab Caesar Ruddicus' then sell uranium to india Julia 'Brutus' Gillardus & Little 'Would I lie to you' Johnnie Howard got their inspiration to progressively auction off, make that 'Sell Off', Australia to the highest bidders? ...without our permission? Perhaps they were Leroy Van Dyke fans... with secret ambitions to be auctioneers? Well their mouths are certainly fast enough...

Band Members back row from left to right: 
Julia Brutus Gillardus, Captain Go-Anna Bligh and Little 'would I lie to you baby' Johnny Howard

Click on Leroy to hear the Auctioneer

Sunday 1 January 2012

farcebook team blog Warning!

The Farcebook Team is coming your way!!

we'll tell it as we see it!