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"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Sunday 29 January 2012

What's brown and sounds like a bell? DUNG!


And it's dung, animal droppings that really ring the bells for the humble but heroic dung beetle. The Dung Busters!

Did you know that Australia's cattle herds drop over 12 million cow pats every hour? Left unchecked we would literally end up in deep sh... Poo! Dung! Not only this, flies, billions of them feast, feed and breed in animal droppings. The only thi...ng that saves us from drowning in animal crap and disease carrying flies is the humble and heroic 'Dung Beetle! Dung Busters in Paradise.

Here's a crappy $40 mobile phone video of one of the little heroes hard at work saving Magnetic Island from from an avalanche of possum poop. (Although it would be better if the well meaning do gooders stopped upsetting the balance of nature by feeding our brushtail possums, the new age rats of suburbia. Possums that is, not the do gooders!).

Life is not easy for our little heroes... they sometimes have a really crappy day and get the...

'Dung Beetle Blues'

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