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"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Magnetic Island Silent Terrorist Attack - Breaking News! Garbage Bag Alert!

Never before captured on video. Magnetic Island has been under clandestine, silent terrorist attack by thousands of hungry garbage bags. These solitary creatures, if we can call them that, roam from house to house when no one is home waltzing as they seek food. Wreaking havoc, destroying legs of tables if they found nothing appetising.

Commenting, Qld MP Mandy Johnstone is purported to have said; "Let me just say before I can do anything to help with this issue I have to do things with other issues first because I don't do much and only if it's good for my faction. I was put up for pre-selection without a plebiscite to maintain the quota of women in parliament. Send me an email and I'll get back to you. If I'm re-elected"

Tourism Queensland , a government agency committed to making a profit, suggested that these bizarre creatures could become a major tourist attraction for Magnetic Island just like 'Whitey' the crocodile, the once in a lifetime Cyclone Yasi and the cruise ships that come to Townsville.

 Just like our pollies do at election time.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Australia's Most Disgraceful Politician-Simon Finn MP

Simon Finn MP

Australia's Most Disgraceful Politician - Simon Finn MP - Puts Brave Military at risk with a stunt in the Qld Parliament that back fires. Anna Bligh should call for his resignation

On November 15, 2011 Finn tabled in parliament photos of Mudgeeraba MP Ros Bates  son and some friends taken at a marchout at which her son was awarded "most outstanding soldier"
Mr Finn insisted leaders should not tolerate any glorification of weaponry.

"This might be all very innocent and taken at an event she attended with a family member but it behoves all of us as community leaders not to be seen enjoying the company of weapons," he said.

The photos were taken from Ms Bate’s private Facebook page. She believes one of her "friends" handed them over to the ALP.

Mr Mickel (speaker of the house) this afternoon ruled the photos could be withdrawn as they posed a security risk to the army men, some of whom are about to embark on active services overseas
 The Courier Mail. November 15, 2011. Karen Helbig, Rob Kidd
  Listen to this radio 4BC interview, then read on for more about the minister.

Simon Finn Left Wing ALP MP representing Yeerongpilly in Brisbane once resided on Magnetic Island. .Finn was appointed just over a year ago in February 2011 as the Minister for Government Services, Building Industry and Information and Communication Technology in a rather dodgy move by Bligh's faceless left faction bosses.

Agencies within the portfolio include QBuild, Building Services Authority, State Archives, QFleet, Queensland Health Payroll and Rostering Systems and many more.

According to the Bligh Government 2011 Report Card in the Courier Mail 17 December 2011 Finn's report card was pretty scary for Queenslanders. The reoprt card stated "His ambition so far outstrips his ability. Has handled the few issues that have arisen in his portfolio areas poorly and his Parliament performances are worse."
This public stunt of Mr Finn's is is just the tip of the iceberg when compared with his involvement in a succession of disasters that have rocked the State Government. The most public of these has been the Queensland Health payroll debacle. 

Anna Bligh should call for his resignation

Just a few References:
Delimiter16 January 2012
Courier Mail 17 December 2011
Delimiter 30 November 2011
Bruce Mills Blog
Outsourcing Council Asia Pacific

The contributor of this post is still an ALP believer who once lived in Townsville and now resides in Victoria.
The farcebook team takes no reponsibility for any of the above content. Duty Moderator.