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"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Tuesday 29 May 2012

C:Drive Remove Rental Cars Stored in Nelly Bay Car Park. Thank You!

A big thank you to C:Drive Car Rentals for removing their vehicles stored in the Nelly Bay ferry terminal car park. 'The Six' Magnetic Islanders and others who initiated the thread here on farcebook have been informally monitoring the car park since November 2011. Their aim is to maximise the Nelly Bay car park facility for legitimate complying users by making public the illegal use of the facility by various operators (not just rental car operators) and owners of 'stored' & abandoned private vehicles.

Since 'The Six' went public with the issue 3 car rental companies have removed their stored vehicles freeing up a total of up to 28 parking places. In addition, at various times, up to 16 private vehicles being stored for more than 7 days have also been removed. The private vehicle owners showing their consideration by making other arrangements. Such as, being dropped off, catching public transport etc. Besides, why risk having someone damage your vehicle in an unsecured parking facility?

But there are still more private vehicles being stored for more than 4 days, well in excess of the maximum period stipulated for the facility. The make and model (without identifying plates markings etc) may be made known from time to time to make the owners aware of their oversight or shame them into being more considerate of commuters, the elderly (including the six), the disabled, parents with strollers and hopefully, users of the IGA. If you don't shop IGA try not to park there. The IGA pays for those parking bays.

The Six with a few helpers will continue informally monitoring the car park. To quote them,

Saturday 26 May 2012

Magnetic Island Bush Stone Curlew Family - Babies Come of Age! Hooray!

About 10 weeks ago a Magnetic Island Curlew couple (they wed for life), had two beautiful babies. Despite the odds on their surviving Kites, Owls, egg & baby eating possums & Kookaburras they have survived! For 3 years this lovely Avian couple have tried to have babies but to no avail - until now. The babies have come of age!

Here they are. The complete Curlew family - surviving in the wilds of suburbia.

Image contibuted by one of our subscribers

© farcebook-team blog The image may only be used with due accreditation to farcebook-team blog

The farcebook-team commands  you to visit

Post by Angelo- farcebook team

State of Origin or Origin of the Species? What's it all about?

Well the first State of Origin Clash is done. The Maroons took it out. But one of our subscribers is still confused. After watching the match he came to the conclusion that the State of Origin should be renamed "Origin of the Species" He suggests that from his observations it seems two bunches of primal hominids were intent on getting an eliptical object from one end of a paddock to the other whilst inflicting as much damage as possible on each other.

At farcebook we did some home work and reckon that Andy Griffith, a stand up comedian c.1950s, had just the explanation our subscriber needed to help him understand that "What It Was Was Football".

Check out Andy's Video. But you will have to turn up the volume.

Post by Chris - Farcebook Duty Moderator

Thursday 24 May 2012

Can't find a car park at the Magnetic Island ferry terminal? Contact C: Drive Car Rentals. They might know why.

Magnetic Island C: Drive car rental company does it again! At least six cars  were forced to illegally park on footpaths outside the Ferry Terminal car park on Magnetic Island and in the IGA paid for parking bays!

According to Mr Trevor Brownrigg, a frequent visitor from Victoria, enough is enough! Recently he had to make an unscheduled trip to Australia but missed the ferry. Thanks to C: Drives ongoing policy of storing their hire vehicles in and operating their business in the carpark.

"The company's flagrant disregard of the terms of parking and outrageous inconveniencing of  legitimate users among the island community who support their business defies all the rules of common decency!", Mr Brownrigg stated.

To prove his point Mr Brownrigg submitted several photographs of C: Drive's car park stored vehicles, see images below  and some of the vehicles forced to park illegally elsewhere.see image above

"This is at least the eighth time recently that I have found no parking bays with C:drive vehicles parked all over the carpark for days on end so I started taking photos a few times a day to check if they had been moved.They hadn't!"

Mr Brownrigg went on to say that whilst he understood that the "Qld Transport department controlled   carpark has always been a bureaucratic "cock-up" he made a clear statement that "-no legitimate operator with a sense of common decency would add to the carpark woes by acting in such an unethical, uncaring manner". Mr Brownrigg further suggested that, "perhaps they (C:Drive) have made a shonky deal with Qld Transport as they don't seem to have a legitimate holding yard for their vehicles like the other (rental) companies are compelled to have".

Mr Brownrigg did concede the point that C: Drive were only one of many offenders. A substantial number of private vehicles appeared to be stored long term in the car park including a red Sirion with months old debris under the wheels, a silver Toyota 4wd & a white Holden Barina hatchback (months at a time) to list a few and at least 3 abandoned vehicles ..

Mr Brownrigg whilst on the island commutes regularly & like many commuters & ferry users he has had similar parking problems before.And his final words were; "When will someone deal with this problem?"

Click here to see all posts about this issue and read the comment about the impact on our seniors.

farcebook believes that hell will freeze over before any Transport Department bureaucrat capable cares enough to do anything.

If you feel strongly about this follow the link QLD Department of Transport and Main Roads 
Contact Information

Post by Chris, Duty Moderator

Sunday 20 May 2012

Comments Popup for farcebook team blog now working properly. Sorry

The farcebook team apologises to all for the comments Popup glitch. We forgot to configure the thing. So if you wish to comment? Go fo it now.

farcebook team blog moderator

Thinking about how to import elephants to crap on the Hire Cars 
being stored in the Magnetic Island Nelly Bay Car Park