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(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Tuesday 29 May 2012

C:Drive Remove Rental Cars Stored in Nelly Bay Car Park. Thank You!

A big thank you to C:Drive Car Rentals for removing their vehicles stored in the Nelly Bay ferry terminal car park. 'The Six' Magnetic Islanders and others who initiated the thread here on farcebook have been informally monitoring the car park since November 2011. Their aim is to maximise the Nelly Bay car park facility for legitimate complying users by making public the illegal use of the facility by various operators (not just rental car operators) and owners of 'stored' & abandoned private vehicles.

Since 'The Six' went public with the issue 3 car rental companies have removed their stored vehicles freeing up a total of up to 28 parking places. In addition, at various times, up to 16 private vehicles being stored for more than 7 days have also been removed. The private vehicle owners showing their consideration by making other arrangements. Such as, being dropped off, catching public transport etc. Besides, why risk having someone damage your vehicle in an unsecured parking facility?

But there are still more private vehicles being stored for more than 4 days, well in excess of the maximum period stipulated for the facility. The make and model (without identifying plates markings etc) may be made known from time to time to make the owners aware of their oversight or shame them into being more considerate of commuters, the elderly (including the six), the disabled, parents with strollers and hopefully, users of the IGA. If you don't shop IGA try not to park there. The IGA pays for those parking bays.

The Six with a few helpers will continue informally monitoring the car park. To quote them,

"As the island population grows more spaces will be required in this government sanctioned stuff up. Therefore it is important that the needs of legitimate complying users be the major consideration in use of the facility. If we don't begin to be 'self-policing' the Queensland Transport Department will send over their indiscriminate storm-troopers and maybe even make us pay for using the facility.
We thank all those various community groups and community minded individuals who have and are working for a long term solution. Our efforts are minimal compared to the efforts of these wonderful people. We are just a few grumpy whingeing old timers who have nothing better to do than try to get a fair deal."

Post by Chris - farcebook-team moderator

The monitoring process;
The Six with a few conscripts took pictures, with dates & times, of the car park 3-4 times daily to obtain a reasonably accurate record. Care was taken when photographing  specific vehicles to include some reference that may indicate if a vehicle has been moved.  These records have not been submitted to Qld Transport.

1 comment:

Trevor Brownrigg said...

C:Drive Are back! 6+ rental cars plus are again being stored daily by C:Drive in the Nelly Bay Terminal Car Park. To further exacerbate the parking problems 'Best of Magnetic' are storing their rental cars in the parking spaces allocated to the IGA for 2 hour parking and in some spaces shared by the Department of Transport and the IGA What sort of immunity from regulatory retribution has been granted to these companies by the Qld Department of Transport? Fair enough, Best of Magnetic now has a shopfront on the carpark. If they want allocated vehicle storage (parking) let them do what PRD had to do, pay for the spaces! The van with the signage for the Arcadia based $30 car rental mob, along with 5 private cars and utes are now abandoned, unregistered vehicles. What a great welcome to the island. Again I ask, when will the transport department pull it's head out of the sand and their fingers out of their fundamental orifices and do something about our parking woes? Probably Never!!!