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(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Carbon Tax - Roast Lamb & Carbonara. A Magnetic Islander Perspective.

When it comes to dodging the carbon tax a Magnetic Islander has a suggestion that might help. It's about, Roast Lamb & Carbonara, If one could follow the logic?
Image found on The Culture Concept Circle 
Carbonara with Carbon Tax
   Image found on Papa's Recipes cooking with John
 "A friend asked me how I could afford to buy lunch on the first day of the Carbon Tax. "That's simple. I had roast lamb. I didn't order carbonara. I'm not stupid!" I replied in jest. But I would be really stupid to believe that the tax will not cause the prices of life's basic necessities to go out of control. And even more stupid if one believes that, "If elected", the opposition will repeal the tax. It's always the little people who pay in the end."
 The farcebook-team suggest that you read & compare some ALP & LNP  thoughts on the impact of the Carbon Tax in The Little Book of Abbott Absurdities

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