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"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Saturday 14 July 2012

Magnetic Island's Picnic Bay Jetty Update. Good & Bad News

Good news & bad news for  *fisher folk & friends of  Magnetic Island's historical, local heritage Picnic Bay Jetty.

The good news is the restoration work is proceeding as well as it can under the circumstances. Hopefully it will be completed in October. This year that is, 2012.

Three critical pylons should be in place in a few days which will enable some serious work to commence on the jetty head. Sub contractors, Pacific Marine Group are carrying out this phase of the work already have one pylon in place.

That's the good news. The bad news is this, the over zealous rules & regulations imposed on the workers & the environs of the workplace by do-gooders, bleeding hearts, senior bureaucrats covering their asses and the politicians who sign off on these over-kill r&r are costing a fortune and delaying the work.  

We are not suggesting that workplace health & safety matters be ignored but what we are suggesting is that the people who impose the regulations are out of touch with reality. We are aware of some of the details but we won't go into it here, now.

On the upside, the restoration crew are good blokes who take pride in their work and best of all have become an accepted part of our community.

You will notice, in the above image, that Australia, the big island off the coast of the mainland ie; Magnetic Island, is no longer in sight. A local identity reckons that "under the cover of the night and day long fog, some one cut the island loose and made Maggie a 2000 odd hectare refugee boat headed for some obscure shangrila seeking political asylum. - just to escape the whimsies of state and federal governments gone mad."

Again a special thanks to all those tourism & community groups and individuals who have worked so hard to have our jetty restored. 

Post by farcebook-team duty moderator

*fisher folk - an exceedingly politically correct term for the generic term 'Fishermen' which we hope pleases JCU Adjunct Associate Professor Betty McLellan.

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