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(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Friday 23 November 2012

You weren't elected to hurt and deprive our Kids Mr Newman! Don't Close Magnetic Island Camp

You weren't elected to hurt and deprive our Kids Mr Newman! Don't Close Magnetic Island Camp

  • Decommissioning is not an option.  Decommissioning the Magnetic Island Active Recreation Centre and  only designated Disaster Relief & Recovery Centre with no alternate facility available is not an option for this year’s cyclone/wet season. The Centre cannot be decommissioned. The decision to decommission the centre was made without consideration of regulatory guidelines
 Premier Newman, Minister Dickson and Senior Bureaucrat Ashton got it wrong!

To ensure that the centre will continue to cater to the school visitor groups that traditionally makes up the major market segment and incoming revenue source and that the centre stays online as the island’s relief & recovery centre there are only two options. The first (1.) will not happen leaving the second (2.) as the only acceptable option
  1. The camp either stays open under government control to operate as it has and the cancelled bookings to be restored OR

  1. The Camp stays open under government management to operate as it has. The cancelled bookings are to be restored with the government continuing to manage the camp during a transitional operating period until  the private operator takes over after 1 July 2013 - Staffing during the transition period. As full time staff employed by the department of communities have been given the option of resign and recieve a redundancy package or be sacked and get nothing, and the casula employed by IPA being laid off the only option here could be to employ existing staff on a temporary basis. With the new operator making the decision for future staffing. 

After the community Rally and consulation with over 50 user group leaders and numerous other stakeholders the general consenus can be summed in option 2.. And a large number adding  "If it ain't broke don't fix it".

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