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(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Friday 23 November 2012

Newman & Dickson Decommission Magnetic Island's Only Disaster Relief & Recovery Centre

It has become painfully obvious that the Newman government is paying lip service only to having the Magnetic Island Recreation Centre continue in its current roles. That is firstly as an Active recreation Centre for kids & other groups, and secondly, the most important priority at this time, as Magnetic Island's only designated disaster relief & recovery Centre.

There are no designated, public cyclone Shelters or places of refuge on the island.

The decommissioning of the Magnetic Island centre effectively place the lives and wellbeing of Magnetic Island residents and visitors at risk in the event of a disaster such as cyclone or severe flooding.

The Magnetic island facility is the only one that has the capacity to provide a temporary home for residents homeless as a result of a disaster. It sleeps 100 but has the capacity to sustain at least another 50. The kitchen can cater for 200 or more. There are 6 other Emergency facilities on Magnetic Island, these are evacuation centres only, but there is only one capable of sustaining families in the event of a disaster and the post period.

Recreation Minister Steve Dickson’s callous statement in the Townsville Bulletin Monday 12 November has made the government's position quite clear. He "could not guarantee the facility would be in a usable condition during a cyclone" And that designation of disaster recovery centres was the responsibility of the Townsville City Council.

Minister, the 'designation of disaster recovery centres' may be the responsibility of the Townsville City Council but, Mr Dickson, how can the Council 'designate' a facility when the only suitable property on the island  is being closed and decommissioned?

The state government has no right to place the well being of Magnetic Islands Residents and visitors at risk. Cyclone season is upon us, We may or may not have a devastating cyclone or flood situation but it is the government’s duty of care to ensure that this facility remains  on standby. Not to decommission it. If the worst happens we will hold the state government responsible.

Send a message to the people who closed  and decommissioned our Relief & Recovery Centre at 
The Magnetic Island Active Recreation Centre
Click on the names to send your email
Campbell Newman, Premier, Steven Dickson Recreation Minister, 
Rob Ashton Senior Bureaucrat Department of Communities.
and last and least 
John Hathaway MP member for ??? representing ???
And sign the petition before 28 November 2012

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