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"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Saturday 24 November 2012

'Queensland People Smugglers Ltd' - Escape the Newman Government! Become an Asylum Seeker or Refugee.

Escape the insanity of the Newman Government! Become an Asylum Seeker or Refugee. Join our Boat People and cruise to sanity with 'Queensland People Smugglers Ltd'

'Queensland People Smugglers Ltd' - Exporting Queenslanders as Asylum Seekers, Refugees & Boat People to the world!

About us
'Queensland People Smugglers Ltd' is a privatised department of the Newman government.

 Formed in April 2012, QPS is committed to making lots of money from disenchanted, disenfranchised Queenslanders who wish to leave after we have already taken nearly everything off them.

Our Aim
We aim to get rid of anyone who objects to being ripped off by a caring government

Our Executives
 Our executives and major shareholders are LNP politicians and senior bureaucrats
with the ethics of maggots

Our Philosophy

As voters you just have to accept that we know what is best for Queensland - class distinction - Us and them. It is the only way to make our form of democracy viable for the top end of town and thereby get our economy back on it's feet and keep us, the LNP, in power."

"If you can't stand the heat - get out of the kitchen"

'Queensland People Smugglers Ltd'

When you need to "get out of the kitchen"

 So if you can not accept that 'we know what is best for Queensland' Then get out!

'Queensland People Smugglers Ltd' - Exporting Queenslanders as Asylum Seekers, Refugees & Boat People to the world!

Post written by ETB Brisbane

Moderator's note: Whilst the farcebook-team may or may not agree with the content of a post or sentiment of the author we believe in freedom of expression.

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