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"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Thursday 22 November 2012

A message from Campbell Newman for Magnetic Island Cyclone Season

Magnetic Island, Hope you survive the cyclone season. Too bad we decommissioned your Cyclone Relief & Recovery Centre it was us costing money. But we know you'll understand if the worst happens.
I only did it because I care for Queenslanders

Picture of Campbell Newman in his jet running away from Magnetic island Cyclone
 Send a message to the people who closed  and decommissioned our Relief & Recovery Centre at 
The Magnetic Island Active Recreation Centre

Click on the names to send your email

Campbell Newman, Premier, Steven Dickson Recreation Minister, 
Rob Ashton Senior Bureaucrat Department of Communities.
and last and least 
John Hathaway MP member for ??? representing ???

And sign the petition before 28 November 2012

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