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"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Saturday 18 February 2012

Can you do this?


don't look into my eyes


Contributed by:patchouliman


Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed some of the posts in farcebook but this one, I think is a little ambiguous and could be seen by some as lampooning Islamic dress code and perhaps has racist undertones. The wife of my younger brother, a niqabi was a little offended by it. It would be better to place a warning for the people of Islam just as is done for indigenous people of Australia so that we might not be offended. Thank you, Haani

Farcebook said...

Haani, thank you for your honest comment. The farcebook team is committed to achieving a working multicutural Identity for All Australians. Australia is not yet a multicural society. We are a polycultural nation at this time and we certainly have a long way to go to achieve Multiculturalism.

The team acknowledges your concerns and assures you firstly that there was no overt or covert intent to 'lampoon' Islamic dress code.Secondly, there is no intended racism content in any of our posts. Islam is not a 'race'. It is a culture. We believe that "someone’s race is determined by their physical characteristics and those of their biological family. Race is a label that we force on someone. Culture is all the ways that we express ourselves, how we interact, what we believe in spiritually, and how we perceive things. Culture is not based on physical characteristics but on a person’s way of life.

There fore with that understanding we accept that "Islam is a whole way of life (a culture) based upon the will of God revealed in the Qur’an, and in the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad. Every aspect of life is seen as part of an indivisible whole, literally inseparable from all other aspects." Many racial groups are represented in in Islamic culture.

With consideration of the above we are mindful of the fact that Australia's stated "-multicultural policies impose obligations as well as conferring rights: the right to express one's own culture and beliefs involves a reciprocal responsibility to accept the right of others to express their views and values." [National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia - What is multiculturalism?]http://www.immi.gov.au/media/publications/multicultural/agenda/agenda89/whatismu.htm

Finally with regard to a Warning Note; As the first true Australians our indigenous citizens hold a very special place in the Aussie identity and deserve appropriate considerations. The warning you referred to is just one of many steps to integrating our indigenous culture into Australia's cultural identity.

farcebook team duty moderator