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"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Saturday 18 February 2012

Qld Transport OKs Vehicle Storage at Magnetic Island's Ferry Car Park for selected Hire Car Companies!

Queensland Transport blames 'lack of resources' for failing in their duty to police parking regulations at Magnetic Island's Nelly Bay Harbour Ferry Car Park!  

By refusing to do anything about the parking woes at Nelly Bay,  for whatever reason, Queensland Transport have given tacit approval for any one to do what they like in the areas of the harbour precinct under their control.

Subsequently a number of Magnetic Island residents & business operators are preparing for a pre-election fight with Queensland Transport to have hire cars being stored in the carpark removed permanently.

Up to 22 vehicles have been recorded as being stored in the car park drastically reducing the number of available spaces for legitimate users. Residents and visitors, particularly commuters, the elderly, ill and infirm. are being forced to park well away from the teminal.

Some hire vehicles are being stored in the IGA designated parking bays. Many commuters and ferry users are forced to illegally park in the clearly marked IGA bays when the other bays have been filled.

This practise is creating problems for shoppers & reducing the business of the IGA which pays for the use of these  designated bays.

"Where's your proof?" you ask.

Over the last 14 weeks 6 disenchanted residents (not other hire car operators or anyone on their behalf or the writer of this post) & a couple of sympathetic helpers have been checking the car park 2 - 3 times daily, sometimes at night, taking photographs of possible offending vehicles.

And interestingly enough some of the vehicles that are being hired do not have the correct  label for rental vehicles. But that is not the issue at this time. Most of the car hire companies act in accord with regulations.

Of course the group of disenchanted residents note that there are residents and visitors who also abuse the system by parking longterm and they also take into consideration that some vehicle hirers will utilise the car park at times. Again this is not the issue at this time.

We all know that the car park was a complete stuff up right from the start. and as our community grows it won't get better.  We understand that various community & business organisations have and are endeavouring to resolve the car park issue. But after some elderly residents failed to meet their medical appointments because of these heartless actions the farcebook team decided to add their voices.

Why should any car hire business be given carte blanche to deliberately and knowingly flout the law with impunity despite numerous complaints being lodged with QT? Why are these operators so uncaring for Magnetic Island's community and her visitors who have the legitimate right to use the car park?

The farcebook team believes that Queensland Transport bureaucracy along with  the government that gives the seal of approval for this bureaucracies inaction must be accountable for their ill advised inaction.

It is a farce that a government department demands complete compliance from the battler but forgoes compliance in their lawful duty under the transport regulations.

1 comment:

Parent with babies said...

"Yes, even more frustrating when they take the Early Parent (stroller) spots which happened to me about 2 years ago. Nothing done in this time is absurd. Also concerning is the number of unauthorized vehicles parking in Disabled Access spots, not just this company!"