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"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Who is to blame for the death of Lyji Vaggs?

"Why isn't anybody being held responsible for my son's death? asks Debbie Lambton, mother of Lyji Vaggs after the coroner ruled on Tuesday February 21, 2012 that "No one person, out of up to 15 who were involved, was accountable" for Mr Vaggs death in Townsville Hospital last year. (TSV Bul Wed Feb 22). "Mistakes were made and the system failed - I don't suggest any of the health care professionals involved in his treatment failed to have proper regard for his welfare" Mr Barnes, the coroner said.

Indigenous Advocate Ms Gracelyn Smallwood "said the coroners's finding that there was "no callous disregard" was disturbing for the family when it was clear the system had failed Vaggs". "If no one person" of those involved in his treatment was accountable then who is responsible? The answer to the question is simple, The government controlled and monitored health system.

The State Government department 'Queensland Health' is the system. The head of government is the Premier, Ms Anna Bligh.

The Health Quality and Complaints Commission *(HQCC) Report 'Why are we waiting' clearly states that  "Delay due to inadequate coordination and management was linked to the highest level of reported harm to consumers (patients). It was associated with 11 of the 14 deaths reported in the top three access issue complaints and 17 of the 24 complaints in which it was reported the consumer suffered permanent harm"

Therefore, the Queensland state government must be held accountable and largely responsible for these 11 deaths including that of a mentally ill indigenous man on April 15, 2010. If Townsville hospital doctors claims that  "-they were confronted by an "extreme" situation when Mr Vaggs became agitated - there were initially no psychiatrists or senior doctors on duty in the unit at the time" (TSV Bul Wed Dec 14) are true; then one could be forgiven for suggesting that the government's oversight of, 'the system's, Queensland Health's staffing  policies, coordination, management and and funding was not just incompetent and grossly inadequate but frighteningly deadly. The 'System failed".

Ultimately the responsibility for provision of adequate health services for the people rests entirely with the state government. Please Ms Bliigh let there be no more deaths by your government's hands.

*The (HQCC) Report 'Why are we waiting' .pdf has a link on the HQCC site but the file, for whatever reason, will not be found.  The farcebook team downloaded a copy in January. Please use the link in the post above.

Additional references:
Health Quality & Complaints Commission

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