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"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Monday 20 February 2012

This Hire Car illegally stored for 4 days in Magnetic Island IGA Car Park bays.

Can't get a parking bay at the Magnetic Island IGA? This hire car has been stored for over 4 days in the IGA designated bays. Naturally the name of the company and number plate have been blurred to protect the 'innocent'?

17-02-12 10:18

17-02-12 1758

18-02-12 11:30

20-02-12 09:42

The verbatim message to the offending operators from 'the 6' is this;

 "If you have permits from Qld Transport to do what you are doing then publish them or display them on your stored vehicles. If you don't have any permits then pleae  remove your stored vehicles from all areas of the car park."

The selection images displayed here are just a few of those taken over the period of this vehicle. Our purpose in doing this is simply to shame the individual offending operators into giiving a bit of consideration for the community that supports their business and remove their vehicles. If this does not work it will be up to the 6 concerend residents and operators  to take it further action. ('The 6' does not include any Hire Car Operatos)

The Farcebook team is firmly against over regulation. We have had enough of big-brother bureaucracies. We don't need more regulating. We don't want Queensland Transport Storm Troopers rolling rough shod over all & sundry. The issue is simply to stop specific Hire Car operators from taking up space for legitimate users of this ill conceived car park.

See previous post about Hire Vehicle Storage at Nelly Bay

Post by Derango: farcebook team

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My mother uses a walking frame. The day before yesterday mum had to go to town for an appointment. She couldn't find a park anywhere in the ferry terminal car park. The IGA car park was chockers so Mum drove around outside the car park but again no place to park close enough for her to walk with her frame. So she phoned a neighbour to pick her up and drop her off but she still missed the ferry. C drive get your cars out of the car park! If transport department won't move you we'll find someone who will! Jemna