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"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Tuesday 21 February 2012

2012 Queensland State Government Erection Candidates Receive 'World First' Specialist Training for the Hustings

Qld ALP & LNP state election candidates have been training for the hustings at a secret location on a farm in Bob Katters heartland and in the US. Insiders revealed today that a revolutionary series of intensive courses designed to restore voter confidence in what politicians promise  leading up to the state erection has been well attended by both ALP & LNP party hopefuls and rumoured to include Anna Bligh & Campbell Newman.

The party insiders declared that the content of the courses have set a political benchmark for the rest of the world to follow. When asked what makes these courses so different from those of the past they simply replied; "Honesty".

When asked to elaborate thay stated that "-in the past and not just in Australian politics, voters were inundated with promises that basically were just 'bull shit". They went on to state that 'bull shit'  has been construed by many female voters as a 'redneck male' approach to electioneering. "We simply can not continue this way, the structure of the courses needed to address gender balance but most importantly, by being  blatantly honest we will definitely see party political credibility and voter confidence increase".

When asked if they would reveal details of what voters can expect in the state & feral elections farcebook was handed 3 videos and told; "Let me just say; these videos will demonstrate that we have addressed the gender balance, there will be no more male dominant bull shit, and the voter can make a decision based on the facts. - clips from these videos will be included in all pre-election TV advertising, on party web pages and captures will be included in the print media advertising and brochures" to remind the electorate that a politicians election promise is made in all sincerity just to get the sucker vote.

The 3 videos were filmed on location and show the trainers in full blurt...

"This is what  voters are traditionally accustomed to; male dominated 'Bull Shit!'

"To address the Gender Balance we could have simply added 'Cow Shit!'"

"However, the trainer in the following final video clearly demonstrates that when it comes to pre-election promises, there will be no 'Bull Shit!, no Cow Shit'-  Instead we will dump on you, gender neutral 'Bovine Faeces'  promises. Tada!"

And they will tell us honestly, that when elected, both male & female politicians will dump on every body smaller than they are. And that means us.

This has been an unpaid apolitical political announcement on behalf of ? (we are still trying to figure that out and when we do we will let you know in detail etc) Written by some anonymous persons on a roll of Quilton toilet paper. Published in farcebook-team blog by someone who snuck in whilst we were sleeping.

All trainers and participants in the videos use Quilton Toilet Paper because... if you carefully look inside the cardboard centre you will read...

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