Welcome to farcebook

"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Saturday 24 November 2012

'Queensland People Smugglers Ltd' - Escape the Newman Government! Become an Asylum Seeker or Refugee.

Escape the insanity of the Newman Government! Become an Asylum Seeker or Refugee. Join our Boat People and cruise to sanity with 'Queensland People Smugglers Ltd'

'Queensland People Smugglers Ltd' - Exporting Queenslanders as Asylum Seekers, Refugees & Boat People to the world!

About us
'Queensland People Smugglers Ltd' is a privatised department of the Newman government.

 Formed in April 2012, QPS is committed to making lots of money from disenchanted, disenfranchised Queenslanders who wish to leave after we have already taken nearly everything off them.

Our Aim
We aim to get rid of anyone who objects to being ripped off by a caring government

Our Executives
 Our executives and major shareholders are LNP politicians and senior bureaucrats
with the ethics of maggots

Our Philosophy

As voters you just have to accept that we know what is best for Queensland - class distinction - Us and them. It is the only way to make our form of democracy viable for the top end of town and thereby get our economy back on it's feet and keep us, the LNP, in power."

"If you can't stand the heat - get out of the kitchen"

'Queensland People Smugglers Ltd'

When you need to "get out of the kitchen"

 So if you can not accept that 'we know what is best for Queensland' Then get out!

'Queensland People Smugglers Ltd' - Exporting Queenslanders as Asylum Seekers, Refugees & Boat People to the world!

Post written by ETB Brisbane

Moderator's note: Whilst the farcebook-team may or may not agree with the content of a post or sentiment of the author we believe in freedom of expression.

Queensland Dictator Campbell Newman shuts down Magnetic Island's only Disaster Recovery Centre - for money!

Queensland Dictator Campbell Newman shuts down Magnetic Island's only Disaster Recovery Centre - for money!

In an unprecedented cold blooded and callous move Dictator Newman, his storm troopers ignore the welfare and well-being of the voters who elected him.

Magnetic Island's only Cyclone relief and Recovery Centre will be closed & decommissioned on the 20 December 2012.

Dictator Newman's puppets, LNP MP John Hathaway and by association LNP David Crisafulli have totally ignored the calls of their constituents to represent them

Queensland no longer has representational government!

Democracy is dead!

Post submitted by Chris Sutherland, Richmond Qld

Friday 23 November 2012

You weren't elected to hurt and deprive our Kids Mr Newman! Don't Close Magnetic Island Camp

You weren't elected to hurt and deprive our Kids Mr Newman! Don't Close Magnetic Island Camp

  • Decommissioning is not an option.  Decommissioning the Magnetic Island Active Recreation Centre and  only designated Disaster Relief & Recovery Centre with no alternate facility available is not an option for this year’s cyclone/wet season. The Centre cannot be decommissioned. The decision to decommission the centre was made without consideration of regulatory guidelines
 Premier Newman, Minister Dickson and Senior Bureaucrat Ashton got it wrong!

To ensure that the centre will continue to cater to the school visitor groups that traditionally makes up the major market segment and incoming revenue source and that the centre stays online as the island’s relief & recovery centre there are only two options. The first (1.) will not happen leaving the second (2.) as the only acceptable option
  1. The camp either stays open under government control to operate as it has and the cancelled bookings to be restored OR

  1. The Camp stays open under government management to operate as it has. The cancelled bookings are to be restored with the government continuing to manage the camp during a transitional operating period until  the private operator takes over after 1 July 2013 - Staffing during the transition period. As full time staff employed by the department of communities have been given the option of resign and recieve a redundancy package or be sacked and get nothing, and the casula employed by IPA being laid off the only option here could be to employ existing staff on a temporary basis. With the new operator making the decision for future staffing. 

After the community Rally and consulation with over 50 user group leaders and numerous other stakeholders the general consenus can be summed in option 2.. And a large number adding  "If it ain't broke don't fix it".

Newman & Dickson Decommission Magnetic Island's Only Disaster Relief & Recovery Centre

It has become painfully obvious that the Newman government is paying lip service only to having the Magnetic Island Recreation Centre continue in its current roles. That is firstly as an Active recreation Centre for kids & other groups, and secondly, the most important priority at this time, as Magnetic Island's only designated disaster relief & recovery Centre.

There are no designated, public cyclone Shelters or places of refuge on the island.

The decommissioning of the Magnetic Island centre effectively place the lives and wellbeing of Magnetic Island residents and visitors at risk in the event of a disaster such as cyclone or severe flooding.

The Magnetic island facility is the only one that has the capacity to provide a temporary home for residents homeless as a result of a disaster. It sleeps 100 but has the capacity to sustain at least another 50. The kitchen can cater for 200 or more. There are 6 other Emergency facilities on Magnetic Island, these are evacuation centres only, but there is only one capable of sustaining families in the event of a disaster and the post period.

Recreation Minister Steve Dickson’s callous statement in the Townsville Bulletin Monday 12 November has made the government's position quite clear. He "could not guarantee the facility would be in a usable condition during a cyclone" And that designation of disaster recovery centres was the responsibility of the Townsville City Council.

Minister, the 'designation of disaster recovery centres' may be the responsibility of the Townsville City Council but, Mr Dickson, how can the Council 'designate' a facility when the only suitable property on the island  is being closed and decommissioned?

The state government has no right to place the well being of Magnetic Islands Residents and visitors at risk. Cyclone season is upon us, We may or may not have a devastating cyclone or flood situation but it is the government’s duty of care to ensure that this facility remains  on standby. Not to decommission it. If the worst happens we will hold the state government responsible.

Send a message to the people who closed  and decommissioned our Relief & Recovery Centre at 
The Magnetic Island Active Recreation Centre
Click on the names to send your email
Campbell Newman, Premier, Steven Dickson Recreation Minister, 
Rob Ashton Senior Bureaucrat Department of Communities.
and last and least 
John Hathaway MP member for ??? representing ???
And sign the petition before 28 November 2012

Thursday 22 November 2012

Save Magnetic Island Camp Rally - Magnetic Community News

Save Our Camp

Debbie Denison
On Sunday (November 18) around 80 people attended a rally to protest over the closure of the Magnetic Island Active Recreation Centre in Picnic Bay.

Read more... in the Magnetic Community News
and pickup your copy at shops around Magnetic Island

If you would like to see the Magnetic Island Active Recreation Centre remain open the e petition on line is now open go to http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/work-of-assembly/petitions/e-petition?PetNum=2012

The petition closes 28/11/12

A message from Campbell Newman for Magnetic Island Cyclone Season

Magnetic Island, Hope you survive the cyclone season. Too bad we decommissioned your Cyclone Relief & Recovery Centre it was us costing money. But we know you'll understand if the worst happens.
I only did it because I care for Queenslanders

Picture of Campbell Newman in his jet running away from Magnetic island Cyclone
 Send a message to the people who closed  and decommissioned our Relief & Recovery Centre at 
The Magnetic Island Active Recreation Centre

Click on the names to send your email

Campbell Newman, Premier, Steven Dickson Recreation Minister, 
Rob Ashton Senior Bureaucrat Department of Communities.
and last and least 
John Hathaway MP member for ??? representing ???

And sign the petition before 28 November 2012

Monday 19 November 2012

Locals pitch protest to save rec centre - Townsville Bulletin - Save magnetic Island Camp

Locals pitch protest to save rec centre - Save magnetic Island Camp

 EMMA CHANNON  |  November 19th, 2012

ABOUT 60 Magnetic Island residents rallied at the Active Recreation Centre in a move of "people power" yesterday, to try to keep the centre's doors open.

Led by local identity David "Crusty" Herron, the group gathered to try to send a message to the State Government, summed up on the placards that were waved about: "Save our camp".

Former state member for Townsville Mike Reynolds, who helped save the centre in 2008 when then-premier Anna Bligh threatened its closure, said "people power" would save it again.

Read more about the Newman Government's closure of Magnetic Island's
Only Disaster Relief & Recovery Centre in the

Save Our Magnetic Island Camp Blog

Islanders protest over Recreation Camp closure - Magnetic Times

November 18th 2012

About 80 Magnetic Islanders and friends gathered at the front of Magnetic Island Recreation Camp at Picnic Bay today to show their support in keeping the camp open.

Read the story in the  Magnetic Times 

Story and photo: Melanie Coutts

Read more about the Newman Government's closure of Magnetic Island's
Only Disaster Relief & Recovery Centre in the

Save Our Magnetic Island Camp Blog

Sign the e-petition now. Save the Magnetic Island Camp our Recreation Centre and Disaster Recovery Centre from Closure

Save the Magnetic Island Camp our Recreation Centre and Disaster Recovery Centre from Closure

 Only Queensland residents may sign

You may sign only once

Do not sign both the e-petition & a hard-copy petition

Now that you have signed the petition email this post to a friend

and visit the Magnetic Times for more updates and special coverage

Friday 16 November 2012

Mount Isa Council joins fight to save the Magnetic Island Camp

Council joins fight to save camp spot Save
By By Kim Waters
Nov. 15, 2012, midnight

MOUNT Isa's leaders will fight a state government decision to close the Magnetic Island Active Recreation Centre, saying the camp closure was detrimental for kids in the North West.

At yesterday's Mount Isa City Council meeting mayor Tony McGrady carried a motion for council to support the Spinifex Parents and Citizens Association in their push for a reversal of the state government decision.

Cr McGrady said council would also write to other schools in the region, requesting their support.

He said the Magnetic Island camp was often the first chance for Mount Isa kids to experience the surf and sand.

"Education is about reading, writing and arithmetic, but it's also about personal development," Cr McGrady said...


...and get the latest updates from 

Save Magnetic Island Camp! LNP pays lip service to disaster management!

 It has become painfully obvious that the Newman government is paying lip service only to having the Magnetic Island Recreation Centre continue in it's current roles. That is firstly as an Active recreation Centre for kids & other groups, and secondly as Magnetic Island's only Disaster Relief & Recovery Centre.

To remove the Magnetic Island Centre from the current list of designated Recovery Centres available at the beginning of a cyclone season can only be seen as the Newman governments dereliction of their duty of care, showing an outrageously blatant disregard for the island community's welfare...


Then - Click the link & Sign the e-petition
Attend the Rally 2pm Sunday 18 November 2012
outside the Camp at Picnic Bay 

Express your views & opinions, keep up to date with Magnetic Island's only fully online newspaper

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Campbell Newman closes Magnetic Island's only evacuation & Recovery Centre. Save our Camp!

Don't let Campbell Newman close & decommission Magnetic Island's only Disaster Evacuation & Recovery Centre. Save Magnetic island Camp!
Find out more, Click the link

And please

Click the link & Sign the e-petition
Attend the Rally 2pm Sunday 18 November 2012
outside the Camp at Picnic Bay
Write letters to the editor

Express your views & opinions, keep up to date with Magnetic Island's only fully online newspaper

The Magnetic Times 

Sign the e-petition to Save Magnetic Island Camp & Disaster Evacuation & Recovery Centre

Sign the e-petition to Save Magnetic Island Camp & Disaster Evacuation & Recovery Centre

At last the e-petition is up and running. 

 Can you please sign it using the link


Note: Only QLD residents can sign it

Now forward it on to your friends.

Click the link to learn more

Mount Isa MP Robbie Katter takes our cause to parliament! Save Magnetic Island Camp!

 Mount Isa MP Robbie Katter takes our cause to parliament!

Today, Tuesday 13 November. Robbie Katter MP KAP tabled documents and questioned the house about the validity of the closure of our Magnetic Island Camp.

Mr Katter today emphasised the importance of the Magnetic Island Active Recreation Centre in it's dual role as a an educational, recreational and developmental facility for the kids and for our community as an essential Disaster Management Facility.

Click the link to read more

Click the link & Sign the e-petition
Attend the Rally 2pm Sunday 18 November 2012
outside the Camp at Picnic Bay

Don't Close Magnetic Island Camp Mr Dickson MP LNP! You are Wrong!

Don't Close magnetic Island Camp Mr Dickson MP LNP! You are Wrong!

You've got it wrong Mr Dickson MP LNP

The Minister for Recreation Steve Dickson is determined to see Magnetic Island's only Disaster Evacuation and Recovery Centre is closed and decommissioned. Mr Dickson and his bureaucracy need a reality check. They have got it all wrong.

No Evacuation & Recovery Centre for Magnetic Island - Camp Facility Decommissioned by LNP

The closure and decommissioning of the Magnetic Island Active Recreation Camp means there will be no Disaster Evacuation & Recovery Centre on Magnetic Island.

Click the link to learn more



The closure of the Magnetic Island Active Recreation Centre is a huge blow to children of the North West, says Member for Mount Isa, Rob Katter.

The Newman Government has just announced their decision to de-commission the sport and education camp, along with centres at Yeppoon and Leslie Dam, and is calling for expressions of interest to operate the camps.

“The government is totally out of touch with the needs of rural and remote communities.

Click link to read more... and Sign the e-petition


Tuesday 6 November 2012

Rally to Save Our Magnetic Island Camp - 2pm Sunday 18 Nov 2012

The kids of the region and the Magnetic Island Community invite you to the...

 Save The Magnetic Island Camp Rally

 2pm Sunday 18 November 2012

Save Magnetic Island Camp - MPs Contact List Queensland

'Save the Magnetic Island Camp at Picnic Bay' MPs Contact List Queensland

How You Can Influence Decisions About Closure of The Magnetic Island Camp

Magnetic Island Active Recreation Centre, our camp, located at Picnic Bay, will be closed on 20 December 2012 by order of Queensland Premier Campbell Newman. He and his government will deny thousands of school kids and other groups, many already booked, economically viable access to Magnetic island for essential educational, personal development and recreational experiences. Find out how you can help these kids here by following the links below...

Save The Magnetic Island Camp

 How You Can Influence Decisions About Closure of

The Magnetic Island Camp

Save Our Magnetic Island Camp

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman has decreed that he will close the Magnetic Island Active Recreation Centre, our camp, on 20 December 2012. We are people who believe that the reasons given are not valid and that the camp should remain open.

for more information