Welcome to farcebook

"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; Roman Emperor 161 to 180 AD)

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Who is to blame for the death of Lyji Vaggs?

"Why isn't anybody being held responsible for my son's death? asks Debbie Lambton, mother of Lyji Vaggs after the coroner ruled on Tuesday February 21, 2012 that "No one person, out of up to 15 who were involved, was accountable" for Mr Vaggs death in Townsville Hospital last year. (TSV Bul Wed Feb 22). "Mistakes were made and the system failed - I don't suggest any of the health care professionals involved in his treatment failed to have proper regard for his welfare" Mr Barnes, the coroner said.

Indigenous Advocate Ms Gracelyn Smallwood "said the coroners's finding that there was "no callous disregard" was disturbing for the family when it was clear the system had failed Vaggs". "If no one person" of those involved in his treatment was accountable then who is responsible? The answer to the question is simple, The government controlled and monitored health system.

The State Government department 'Queensland Health' is the system. The head of government is the Premier, Ms Anna Bligh.

The Health Quality and Complaints Commission *(HQCC) Report 'Why are we waiting' clearly states that  "Delay due to inadequate coordination and management was linked to the highest level of reported harm to consumers (patients). It was associated with 11 of the 14 deaths reported in the top three access issue complaints and 17 of the 24 complaints in which it was reported the consumer suffered permanent harm"

Therefore, the Queensland state government must be held accountable and largely responsible for these 11 deaths including that of a mentally ill indigenous man on April 15, 2010. If Townsville hospital doctors claims that  "-they were confronted by an "extreme" situation when Mr Vaggs became agitated - there were initially no psychiatrists or senior doctors on duty in the unit at the time" (TSV Bul Wed Dec 14) are true; then one could be forgiven for suggesting that the government's oversight of, 'the system's, Queensland Health's staffing  policies, coordination, management and and funding was not just incompetent and grossly inadequate but frighteningly deadly. The 'System failed".

Ultimately the responsibility for provision of adequate health services for the people rests entirely with the state government. Please Ms Bliigh let there be no more deaths by your government's hands.

*The (HQCC) Report 'Why are we waiting' .pdf has a link on the HQCC site but the file, for whatever reason, will not be found.  The farcebook team downloaded a copy in January. Please use the link in the post above.

Additional references:
Health Quality & Complaints Commission

Tuesday 21 February 2012

2012 Queensland State Government Erection Candidates Receive 'World First' Specialist Training for the Hustings

Qld ALP & LNP state election candidates have been training for the hustings at a secret location on a farm in Bob Katters heartland and in the US. Insiders revealed today that a revolutionary series of intensive courses designed to restore voter confidence in what politicians promise  leading up to the state erection has been well attended by both ALP & LNP party hopefuls and rumoured to include Anna Bligh & Campbell Newman.

The party insiders declared that the content of the courses have set a political benchmark for the rest of the world to follow. When asked what makes these courses so different from those of the past they simply replied; "Honesty".

When asked to elaborate thay stated that "-in the past and not just in Australian politics, voters were inundated with promises that basically were just 'bull shit". They went on to state that 'bull shit'  has been construed by many female voters as a 'redneck male' approach to electioneering. "We simply can not continue this way, the structure of the courses needed to address gender balance but most importantly, by being  blatantly honest we will definitely see party political credibility and voter confidence increase".

When asked if they would reveal details of what voters can expect in the state & feral elections farcebook was handed 3 videos and told; "Let me just say; these videos will demonstrate that we have addressed the gender balance, there will be no more male dominant bull shit, and the voter can make a decision based on the facts. - clips from these videos will be included in all pre-election TV advertising, on party web pages and captures will be included in the print media advertising and brochures" to remind the electorate that a politicians election promise is made in all sincerity just to get the sucker vote.

The 3 videos were filmed on location and show the trainers in full blurt...

"This is what  voters are traditionally accustomed to; male dominated 'Bull Shit!'

"To address the Gender Balance we could have simply added 'Cow Shit!'"

"However, the trainer in the following final video clearly demonstrates that when it comes to pre-election promises, there will be no 'Bull Shit!, no Cow Shit'-  Instead we will dump on you, gender neutral 'Bovine Faeces'  promises. Tada!"

And they will tell us honestly, that when elected, both male & female politicians will dump on every body smaller than they are. And that means us.

This has been an unpaid apolitical political announcement on behalf of ? (we are still trying to figure that out and when we do we will let you know in detail etc) Written by some anonymous persons on a roll of Quilton toilet paper. Published in farcebook-team blog by someone who snuck in whilst we were sleeping.

All trainers and participants in the videos use Quilton Toilet Paper because... if you carefully look inside the cardboard centre you will read...

Monday 20 February 2012

This Hire Car illegally stored for 4 days in Magnetic Island IGA Car Park bays.

Can't get a parking bay at the Magnetic Island IGA? This hire car has been stored for over 4 days in the IGA designated bays. Naturally the name of the company and number plate have been blurred to protect the 'innocent'?

17-02-12 10:18

17-02-12 1758

18-02-12 11:30

20-02-12 09:42

The verbatim message to the offending operators from 'the 6' is this;

 "If you have permits from Qld Transport to do what you are doing then publish them or display them on your stored vehicles. If you don't have any permits then pleae  remove your stored vehicles from all areas of the car park."

The selection images displayed here are just a few of those taken over the period of this vehicle. Our purpose in doing this is simply to shame the individual offending operators into giiving a bit of consideration for the community that supports their business and remove their vehicles. If this does not work it will be up to the 6 concerend residents and operators  to take it further action. ('The 6' does not include any Hire Car Operatos)

The Farcebook team is firmly against over regulation. We have had enough of big-brother bureaucracies. We don't need more regulating. We don't want Queensland Transport Storm Troopers rolling rough shod over all & sundry. The issue is simply to stop specific Hire Car operators from taking up space for legitimate users of this ill conceived car park.

See previous post about Hire Vehicle Storage at Nelly Bay

Post by Derango: farcebook team

Saturday 18 February 2012

Can you do this?


don't look into my eyes


Contributed by:patchouliman

Qld Transport OKs Vehicle Storage at Magnetic Island's Ferry Car Park for selected Hire Car Companies!

Queensland Transport blames 'lack of resources' for failing in their duty to police parking regulations at Magnetic Island's Nelly Bay Harbour Ferry Car Park!  

By refusing to do anything about the parking woes at Nelly Bay,  for whatever reason, Queensland Transport have given tacit approval for any one to do what they like in the areas of the harbour precinct under their control.

Subsequently a number of Magnetic Island residents & business operators are preparing for a pre-election fight with Queensland Transport to have hire cars being stored in the carpark removed permanently.

Up to 22 vehicles have been recorded as being stored in the car park drastically reducing the number of available spaces for legitimate users. Residents and visitors, particularly commuters, the elderly, ill and infirm. are being forced to park well away from the teminal.

Some hire vehicles are being stored in the IGA designated parking bays. Many commuters and ferry users are forced to illegally park in the clearly marked IGA bays when the other bays have been filled.

This practise is creating problems for shoppers & reducing the business of the IGA which pays for the use of these  designated bays.

"Where's your proof?" you ask.

Friday 17 February 2012

The sun may be shining - but the killing goes on

Magnetic Island is a place where you can escape the senseless frenetic madness of 'day to day life'. But sometimes, sitting in the warm sun I think of the War to End Wars? It never did put an end to war, did it. Nothing has changed and...

"The sun’s shining now in these green fields of France,
The warm wind blows gently and the red poppies dance,
The trenches have vanished, long under the plough,
No gas and no barbed-wire, no guns firing now,
But here in this graveyard it’s still no man’s land,
The countless white crosses in mute witness stand;
To man’s blind indifference to his fellow man,
And a whole generation who were butchered and damned"

Eric Bogle The Green Fields of France

Nothing has changed


So many have given so much for us and for peace...

Lest we forget.

Monday 13 February 2012

Coming Soon - 'Australia's Cultural Journey'

Australia's Cultural Journey
'beginnings and endings'

It has often been said; "What is the difference between yoghurt and Australia?
Yoghurt has some culture"  

Wrong! The reality is...

 "Australia's identity is like yoghurt in the making - it is a developing culture"
DCH 1964


  'Australia's Cultural Journey' Part 1   'Beginnings'  

Saturday 11 February 2012

Warning! Magnetic Island Double Rainbows are not colourfast!

Believe it or not! Rainbows are not colourfast. We don't often see rainbows over Magnetic Island, and double rainbows are seen even less often. But this one over the Nelly Bay Harbour Marina is a definite scientific first.  

Impossibly, the colours have 'run'! A bit like what can occur if one ignores the washing labels on new clothing. Look at the paler barely visible second arc. See it? Ok, now look to the right and note the mast on the moored yacht. Wow!

Click on the image for a larger view

This image has not been edited in any way

Now, those of us who heard, and listened at school would believe that 'a rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes a spectrum to appear in the sky when the Sun shines on droplets of water in the Earth's atmosphere.' wikipedia.org
Can the product of an optical phenomenon such as what occurred here be transferred to a single mast in an obscure marina? Bizarre. Perhaps some alien life form is responsible?
Can any one explain this?

Perhaps there is an obvious explanation out there. Start looking here & listen carefully for  a clue at the very end of the clip.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Give a man a bank and he can rob the world. The Great American Bank Robbery

'Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world' Unknown

William Black: 'The finance sector is a huge parasite, it transfers wealth from the poor to the wealthy'

 Alright, you've watched the above video, To rob a country, own a bank Pt2 from The Real News

Now, if there is nothing decent on the free to air TV channels & you have the inclination & have some spare time, take a look at this next video, 'The Great American Bank Robbery' by William Black at the Hammer Museum. It may be a couple of years old and a bit lengthy but we thought it to be relavent.

"William K. Black, the former litigation director of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board who investigated the Savings and Loan disaster of the 1980s, discusses the latest scandal in which a single bank, IndyMac, lost more money than was lost during the entire Savings and Loan crisis.

He will examine the political failure behind this economic disaster, in which not only massive fraud has taken place, but a vast transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class continues as the federal government bails out the seemingly reckless, if not the criminal

Black teaches economics and law at the University of Missouri, Kansas City and is the author of The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One.." Quote: UCLA

It's painfully obvious that governments have failed to control and adequately regulate finance institutions. I for one have had enough of banks with their cohorts of 'gamblers', speculators, call them investors and shareholders dictating my standard  of living by their government sanctioned incompetence. 

Perhaps Leo Panich was right;

People need to build their own political organizations that push for public banking and serious capital controls.

Could religious fundamentalists govern a 'Multicultural' Australia?

They might if, deliberately and obviously from their hearts, with every fibre of their being, they can state:

1. I believe in equal rights for women
2. I am against human slavery
3. I am against slaughtering family members for having differing beliefs from my own.
4. I am against slaughtering anyone for having differing beliefs from my own.
5. I am against bigotry
6. I am against racism
7. I believe in separation of religion & state

Hmmm.... What do you think?

Escape to Magnetic Island - escape the senseless frenetic madness of 'day to day life'.

Magnetic Island is a place where you can escape the senseless frenetic madness of 'day to day life'.  You simply stick your head in the sand on one of our 23 beaches & bays and let politically correct zealots [PCZ], bureaucrats & fundamentalists bring about the end of the world as we know it. Why should we worry about man's blind indifference to his fellow *man if we can do nothing about it?

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? ...do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Live in the moment... this Magnetic Island Sunbird family does... supporting each other with Love.

Image courtesy ©David Crusty Herron

Care for those you can

This Magnetic Island family of Curlews is 'looking out' for each other

Image courtesy ©David Crusty Herron

*if you are a PCZ don't sue me! I use the term "man" for mankind.

Friday 3 February 2012

Australia Day Protest - Flag Burned & Spat On - Unlawful or Offensive?

During the violent 2012 Australia Day Protests the Australian flag, a National Symbol, was burned and spat on by protesters.

Do you consider the act to be 'offensive behaviour'? Do you believe that this was an 'unlawful act'?

Justifiable or not, whatever you think or believe all Australians, citizens, residents, visitors other groups and individuals in our country must abide by the laws and regulations. So what are the 'Laws & Regulations' governing flag burning or the destruction or desecration of national symbols?
"The Australian regime takes a more relaxed attitude to flag burning or the destruction of national symbols than the US and some other countries.

In essence there are no enactments that seek to protect 'national honour' through discrete prohibitions on burning an Australian flag or defacing a national symbol as such. Instead Australian law at the federal and state/territory levels features offences regarding -

* property (eg destroying/defacing a flag or portrait that is the property of another individual or organisation)

* public order (eg offensive behaviour under state police or crimes enactments) Burning of the flag may be offensive to others.

There is no explicit reference in the 1901 federal constitution to the national flag (or to state/territory flags) or to the protection of national symbols." [Extract from Caslon Analytics - Flag Burning]

As there are no enactments that seek to protect 'national honour' one could be forgiven for assuming that if any other parties flag or symbol was burned or desecrated then the same enactments as above would apply for the offence.
In the light of the above extract; if the flag/symbol isn't your or your organisations property &/or if the act of burning a national symbol is offensive to others then you may be committing a Property or Public Order offence.

Australia Day Protests Fosters Violence & Opposition to a Just Cause.

The violence of the appalling Australia Day Protests belittles the efforts of those non-indigenous & indigenous peoples working for full recognition of our Aboriginal people.

Of course our protests are necessary. To protest is our right. As Martin Luther King said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

But protest with violence is the darkest of hateful acts and will only foster violence & opposition to a just cause. It is true that “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Martin Luther King.

Non-violent protests give credibilty to a just cause and minimise the acts of mindless violence fuelled by the racial hatred of a few fundamentalist extremists. “Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.” Martin Luther King. [Written by David Crusty Herron - published in Facebook - used with permission]

Julia Gillard is dragged to a car by her security team
amid clashes between police and protesters.
Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Read the article The Age 'Australia Day Shame' January 27, 2012
by Jessica Wright, Dan Harrison and Dylan Welch

The farcebook Team believes in and promotes Non-violent Protests